For many people who have a knack for creating and selling things, the internet is a welcome breath of fresh air, mainly because it allows anyone who knows how to manipulate a computer and a website to create an online store where he or she can sell products, whether created by him or her or by others.

Whether you are selling your own products or somebody else's online, you will most certainly need to have your own website. Although you can do guests posts in other sites (especially in blog sites), having your own website where you can promote the product is a lot better. Besides, after people are done reading your guest post, you need to make sure that they have somewhere else to go – and that is your online store.

In the creation of an emerchant's website though, it must be remembered that there are certain considerations that need to be taken, and one of these is if the website's design highlights or even complements the products that are being sold.

Many websites usually forget this important factor, especially those who are using generic website design templates or off the shelf products. Little do we realize the impact and effect of our website's design in its overall performance, especially in terms of sales or subscriptions.
In any case, there are certain standards required to having a great looking website that makes sales.

Appropriate Color Schemes

Colors have always been known to have certain effects on the psyche and behaviour of people. This is actually a great thing to take advantage of, simply because you can increase the chances of guests and visitors to your site of making a purchase by knowing which colors may persuade them to respond to your call to action buttons.

In addition, color schemes play a crucial role in making that great first impression on your guests and visitors. For example, if your online store is selling or promoting Christmas products – whether you are selling Christmas items or writing a blog or instructional about how to wrap gifts in 3 minutes, then you would do well by having Christmassy colors flooding your web page, say red and greens and whites. This gives your customers an impression that your website is truly devoted to such products, and you in turn would now earn the trust of your customers, even the first timers to your site.

Great Looking Images

Pictures may probably be one of your strongest marketing materials, basically because they are some of the first things that catch your guests and visitors eyes. By appropriate images, it means that as much as possible, post the actual pictures of the products you are selling. If you are creating an instructional post or video, make sure that it is you doing the steps and procedures. This increases your customers trust and confidence in you and your online business, which means an increased chance of you selling your items to them or getting their emails for your email list.

In addition, certain image features can come quite useful in impressing your site's guests and visitors. You could ask your web developer to make thumbnail pictures bigger when the client's mouse hovers over it so the he or she can have a better look at the product. In addition, you could as your web developer to install a 360 degree viewing feature which allows the client's to view the whole item from front to back.

Easy to Read Content

Great looking pictures alone are not enough to convince a guests or visitor to click on the "buy now" button. Of course, you will need to include product descriptions that will highlight your products' main selling points and be able to convince someone to buy your product or subscribe to you.

First of all, content should be designed in such a way that they are not too lengthy. Guests and visitors are usually turned off by websites with lengthy product descriptions. In addition, the product descriptions should include not only the product features but its benefits or the benefits of buying that product.

Lastly, the text content should be designed in a manner which makes them easy to read – that is, a font size that is big enough and with a great color that contrasts to the background to ensure maximum readability and comfort. Moreover, paragraphs should not be used for descriptions, but rather bullet points since it is easier for the reader to scan and skim through content – offering him or her convenience and time.

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