One of the many things that can turn off a potential customer is a lousy checkout page. So, if you want to turn those visits into sales, then you should take some time thinking about having a perfectl... Read more..
Shopping cart systems are valuable tools that every online businessman should not overlook. They are very helpful in converting visits to sales, since a ready cart icon can encourage visitors to click... Read more..
For an online businessperson, especially those who are along the lines of retail and sales, one of the most important investments that you can make is having a shopping cart system that will convert g... Read more..
If you own a retail website or an even a huge online store, then you will surely have heard of this little icon called "shopping cart." If you haven't, then you have pretty much lost to your competito... Read more..
When you are planning to create an online business, a web designer may probably be your next best friend. Web designers are those skilled people who dabble with the complexities and intricacies of we... Read more..
There are many ways of earning money online. You can be an affiliate marketer, do "Get Paid to…" tasks and so on. The online world provides millions of people around the world an alternative so... Read more..
You are doing something right when your customer clicks Add to Cart. This means you have a product your customer needs or is excited about. You have something they want, something they will pay money ... Read more..
Finding a good web design company is like hitting the jackpot: it takes a rare combination of timing, good vibes, great communication and luck. But it is quite easy to find a web company that does gre... Read more..
You have a great website and you are really excited about the potential sales you can make, but you are not making any. Why? You scratch your head. You check your analytics. Visitors seem to like your... Read more..
Social media icons are like interactive stickers you attach to your content for your readers' use and convenience. If they like what they read, then these icons are immediately available for them to u... Read more..
If you get the right numbers for traffic but they don't match up with your sales, then you clearly have a problem with your conversion rate. Simply put, your website is not able to maximize on the num... Read more..
The easiest way to set up an eCommerce business is to rely on existing platforms that allow you to set up shop and start selling your products online in minutes. These platforms are even more advantag... Read more..
When choosing a website designer, it's easy to be swayed alone by the amount of their base rates. No matter if there's only one designer whose services fit your budget, you should still be careful and... Read more..